2019年3月17日 in 出口文件
◆ 海运、空运进出口报关业务(报关报检、商品归类);
◆ 陆转、空转、航空货物的配载(转关申报、分拣、打包、装卸、转运、订舱、配载);
◆ 贸易代理服务(正式报关、快件、航材);
◆ 国内空运服务
◆ Fedex最大报关代理供应商;
◆ 报关专业化,通关及时率、操作准确率均达到99.5%,报关差错率0.1%以下;
◆ 与航空公司保持着密切的合作,包括国航、南航、深航、厦航,订舱能力、配载准时率完全能满足客户需求。主要优势路线有福州、厦门、成都、重庆、武汉等城市;
◆ 与海关商检、机场货站、机场安保、机场公安局保持着良好关系。
was established in 1998 as a pure NVOCC company 100% specialized in sea freight
consolidation. Over the past decade, the company has built up a sizeable coverage of consolidation services to
local and overseas freight forwarders in the industry. Charter Link has 17 branches in China and 5 offices in overseas
including - HongKong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Shunde, Foshan, Xiamen, Fuzhou,
Ningbo, Shanghai, Nanjing, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Busan & Seoul.
With our aggressiveness and integrity in business development strategy, we have established the partnerships with
over 200 overseas agents, and developed Worldwide direct EXPORT & IMPORT consolidation traffics .
This globalized network not only provides the optimal routing but also minimizes the cost and transit time for each
shipment. Our extraordinary agency partnership and comprehensive network coverage is definitely our strength
to perform the role of transshipment hub agent and provide the best solution to our customers and partners in
the dynamic environment.
◆ 海运、空运进出口报关业务(报关报检、商品归类);
◆ 陆转、空转、航空货物的配载(转关申报、分拣、打包、装卸、转运、订舱、配载);
◆ 贸易代理服务(正式报关、快件、航材);
◆ 国内空运服务
◆ Fedex最大报关代理供应商;
◆ 报关专业化,通关及时率、操作准确率均达到99.5%,报关差错率0.1%以下;
◆ 与航空公司保持着密切的合作,包括国航、南航、深航、厦航,订舱能力、配载准时率完全能满足客户需求。主要优势路线有福州、厦门、成都、重庆、武汉等城市;
◆ 与海关商检、机场货站、机场安保、机场公安局保持着良好关系。
was established in 1998 as a pure NVOCC company 100% specialized in sea freight
consolidation. Over the past decade, the company has built up a sizeable coverage of consolidation services to
local and overseas freight forwarders in the industry. Charter Link has 17 branches in China and 5 offices in overseas
including - HongKong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Shunde, Foshan, Xiamen, Fuzhou,
Ningbo, Shanghai, Nanjing, Qingdao, Tianjin, Dalian, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Busan & Seoul.
With our aggressiveness and integrity in business development strategy, we have established the partnerships with
over 200 overseas agents, and developed Worldwide direct EXPORT & IMPORT consolidation traffics .
This globalized network not only provides the optimal routing but also minimizes the cost and transit time for each
shipment. Our extraordinary agency partnership and comprehensive network coverage is definitely our strength
to perform the role of transshipment hub agent and provide the best solution to our customers and partners in
the dynamic environment.